the preacher
villain Character Profile
LegalName: Reginald Crawford
Inspiration: wealth, clout, respect, fear, power, dominion, influence
Apostle/Pastor/Chief Bishop/Overseer/ Prophet/ Doctor Reginald Crawford is the leader of the largest congregation in New Orleans and the sixth largest church in the country. Though gifted with the ability to speak and lead others he’s driven by his lust for money, fame, recognition and clout.
Having a “form of godliness but denying the power thereof” he’s about as holy as wet 1 ply, but he doesn’t need true spiritual power when he has a powerful ally. Often thought to be working with Multi billionaire philanthropist Francis Demaurieux, “The Preacher” as he’s affectionately called by his congregants, finds his own path to power.
Gender: Male
Height: 6'0
Weight: 190
Race: Black
robe: purple and gold trim
Powers: superhuman strength, artificial healing, damage regeneration
Abilities: no martial arts or weapons training
Weapons: secret to be revealed (wink*)
villain allies : Francis Demaurieux, the ministers of da fence, trespass