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Aceblade Podcast and Kickstarter Update

$2,595 pledged

76 backers

13 days to go

WOW! We've come a long way in 2 weeks! Okay, let's get straight to it. Last week Danny was interviewed by Cory Strode on his Solitary Rose Radio show. He had a great time talking about his motivations, the creative process behind Aceblade, and a bunch of other tidbits and Easter Eggs.

Since we're fully funded now, what we want to do now is have a little fun with the time we have left. So check this out!

So, let's try these out. Here are 8 little fun tasks I would like to complete in the next 2 weeks, and 4 more that can be unlocked with 2 achievements.

Here' are the descriptions!

  • 50 States of Aceblade (take a picture or (photoshop one) of Aceblade in every state

  • Secret Aceblade Handshake (Come up with the official Aceblade Handshake)

  • Aceblade Ice-cream (Make the recipe) COMPLETE

  • #AcebladePlotTwist (Come up with the craziest plot twist in 140 characters)

  • An Actual Aceblade trophy (Design a trophy for us to give to other indie comic creators)

  • Iconic Hero Voice (Record yourself introducing yourself as Aceblade in an iconic hero voice)

  • New Villains ( Aceblade's current villains (Gutshot, BlakJak, Rhewlette, Whitelash, Hammerhands, and The Savage) need some company. Come up with 5 new villains for Aceblade's rogue gallery.

  • The Ace-mobile (Aceblade's current mode of transportation is a motorcycle that he calls "The Chopper" What type of ride do you think he should have in the future?

Tweet all of your responses to @TheAceblade or post them in the comments here.

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