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NEW ARTWORK/Update on LumberJax #1 Kickstarter

Hey guys,

Just a quick update this time. We added more artwork of LumberJax and some characters to come soon to the page. I wanted to highlight the great work of Helmut Racho (artist for comic interior) and Rich Cardosa (Colorist for comic) and there will be more to come. Wolly McNair is doing the cover for the comic and I'm crucially excited to see it with you. As soon as he's able to get to it we'll all revel at the cover together lol.

We're also close the 50 backers with 18 days left to go! That's amazing and we thank you for your continued support. There are more updates coming and videos this week that I will add to the page from our company Youtube account. Also make sure, if you haven't already, get over to our website There's more info on all of our characters there, literature and updates and links to all of our social media sites. The info on the pages will be updated this week as well so keep checking back. If you join our subscribers list you'll get emails to stay current with what we have going on. Thank you all for supporting 4th Wall pros we promise you the future is far more bright because you're standing in it with us. Link to kickstarter below!

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