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What's going on with the Creators at Short Fuse!?

Let's find out...

It's been a while folks, so let's get you all updated with your favorite creators over at Short Fuse Media Group. We have updates for Aceblade, American Dreams, FiveStar, Stealth, Spider-Squirrel, and Michael Watson's Chat and Draw kickstarter! So here we go.


William Satterwhite recently talked with Sean Mack about reviving the best selling series, and we're excited about it moving forward. Look forward to more updates about the series. "STEALTH THE COMIC" -

Spider Squirrel

Charlie McElvy, AKA The Spectacular Spider-Squirrel, has announced that the first Spider Squirrel Comic is COMPLETE! Check out the official Spider Squirrel Facebook page to keep up with the launch date! The Action Packed first issue is a WHOPPING 54 page story!


FiveStar Issues 1, 2, and 3 are finally available in the Short Fuse Store! We're also happy to announce that the script for the 4th issue has been written! Tony Klapper has been working hard at building the universe around FiveStar and we can't wait to continue the story!

There are plenty of great comics in the Short Fuse catalogue and we truly appreciate you all following along with our creator's journeys. Next up, is American Dreams!

American Dreams by Daniel Kalban

Issues number 4 and 5 are DONE!!!!

Daniel has been working hard with his art team to complete the last 2 comics in the first arc! American Dreams should be the next comic project that we bring to Kickstarter! Daniel has been really hustling to complete this first arc and we can't wait to show you the fruits of his efforts!

Last but not least!

Michael Watson's Chat & Draw!

WE JUST HIT OUR FIRST STRETCH GOAL!!!! With just around 10 days left, we have had over $3,600 pledged to bring more episodes of Chat and Draw to you all! Make sure you get your pledges in to get the special perks today!

We have more, but we'll save them for next time. Exciting news about Aceblade and LumberJax, as well as the Action Figure line are coming too. Make sure you keep opening and sharing our updates to stay up to date with us at Short Fuse. Until next time... Stay Vigilant our Friends!



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